There are literally NO child care spaces available in the community

  • The Kid Project is at capacity with a consistent and growing wait list.

  • The Kid Project is landlocked and unable to expand in its current location.

  • Several in-home providers are retiring or limiting their number of children and hours of operation.

Child care availability is a key-criteria for workplace decision-making

  • An expanding commercial base in the area has added stress to an already burdened situation.

  • Post-pandemic, people are not able to re-enter the workforce due to lack of child care availability.

To leverage a $1.75 million matching grant from the State of Iowa

  • Future Ready Iowa Awards $1.75M - Dyersville Industries, Inc. received a grant from the State’s Future Ready Iowa child care incentive program for $1.75 million. The grant and matching dollars must be committed by September of 2024 and the project must be completed by 2026.

  • Dyersville has had a great track record with The Kid Project for more than 30 years, which helped secure this grant. But it also comes with a very specific timeline.

  • Your gift or pledge to this campaign will be matched dollar for dollar up to $3.5M, so now is the time for our amazing community to leverage this unique funding stream.